Useful Links 

Below is a selection of links to other websites relating to children and parents: we hope you find them helpful. 
The Gloucestershire Children and Young People’s Service Directory provides an online guide to services, organisations and activities for children, young people and their families. 
The Gloucestershire Family Information Service (FIS) offers a wide range of information for families. Its remit has traditionally been to focus on childcare and services for children aged 0-16 years, but from April 2008 it has offered support to families, children and young people aged 0-19 years of age (25 for young people with additional needs). 
The Gloucestershire Parent Partnership Service (PPS) provides a free, confidential and impartial service for parents or carers of children with special educational needs. 
Ofsted – the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills – inspects and regulates care for children and young people, and inspects education and training for learners of all ages. 


Simply speak with the setting manager to check that a place is available for the sessions you require, then complete and return the registration form with the registration fee shown on the form to reserve the space. 
The premises are secured at all times and entry can only be gained via the front door, which is controlled by the setting manager or a deputy. Only those people known to the member of staff opening the door are permitted into the building. To assist parents in situations where they are unable to collect their children, we operate a password system that will enable the parent to nominate a friend or relative to help out. 
We will telephone to advise you and request that you collect him/her. If you are unavailable, we will call other authorised contact numbers that you have supplied. In the event of an emergency, we would contact the emergency services and accompany your child to hospital, remaining with him/her until you arrived. 
We invoice parents each month and fees are payable in advance, at the beginning of each month. We accept payment by BACS, debit card, standing order, childcare vouchers and cash. Where children aged 2 and above are eligible for Government funded sessions, parents will only be invoiced for any sessions their child attends in excess of their entitlement (currently 15 hours per week during term time). 
Where we can, we will always try to help parents to go to work by accepting children who are ‘under the weather’ e.g. with colds and other minor infections that do not present a significant risk to other children. However we ask you not to send your child to nursery if they are suffering from any infectious disease, sickness or diarrhoea or have an undiagnosed rash, to avoid spread of the condition amongst vulnerable babies and children and the staff who care for them.nvoiced for any sessions their child attends in excess of their entitlement (currently 15 hours per week during term time). 
We will, of course, continue to care for your child until you or your nominated representative can reach All My Friends. We understand that delays are sometimes unavoidable and as long as you make every effort to let us know and the late collection does not become a regular occurrence, we will not impose additional charges. 
Clothing should be comfortable and practical: whilst we make every effort to protect the children’s clothing during messy activities, they do get dirty, so it is better not to send your child in their ‘Sunday best’! We would also ask you to supply a change of clothes, ‘just in case’, particularly for babies. The children enjoy spending time outside in most weathers, so a coat is needed for cooler weather and sun cream and hats are required in summer. Please ensure that all clothing is marked with your child’s full name. 

Our Policies 

A complete set of our policies is available to view at each of our settings and we will shortly also provide an on-line link here. 

Offers & Discounts 

FREE Nursery Education Sessions 
Up to 30 hours of free pre-school education is available during term times (38 weeks per annum) to children eligible to receive government funding (aged 3+ at the beginning of the term), and up to 15 hours for children aged 2 and eligible for funding.  
We can offer morning or afternoon sessions of 5 hours each, or full day sessions of 10 hours. 
Family Discount 
10% off the eldest child’s fees where two children from the same family attend nursery regularly. 
Full Time Discount 
Our published rates include a further discount for a full-time place. 
After school club 
Holiday clubs